Human validation
1 player
Wiggi Dishwasher
Wiggi Trash PickerUpper
Wiggi Rescue
Adventures of Gunther The Wiggi
Adventures of Guntheri
Wiggi Rush
Wigginaut Space Game
Vanquish Those Viruses
Wiggi Fireman Defense
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Stick Fight
Desktop Only
Gods of Arena
Boxing Physics
Stick Fighter
Drunken Wrestlers
King Of Fighters Wing 1.9
Boxing Physics Rio Update
600 Seconds To Survive
Mobile Legends: Slime 3v3
Dungeon Fighter
Mixed Macho Arts
Drunken Boxers
Battle Robot Wolf Age
Final Knockout
Dead Samurai 2 - Samurai Fighters
Zombies vs Berserk
Battle Robot T-Rex Age
Dead Arena