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Video description

I'm intrigued by slitscan photography and other visual/temporal shenanigans. I'm especially interested in some of the 'video slicing' techniques I have seen and wanted to try it out for myself. Never could find any suitable software - so I gave up looking and wrote my own tool using Processing. :)

This video is a compilation of my initial experiments, using my own nature videos as source files. Love the abstract, moving shapes and colors - especially the way the ocean waves are transformed, yet still recognizable.
Each frame of the video is a horizontal stack of a 1 pixel, vertical slices of a video image. The left of the frame is the beginning of the video clip, the right side is the end. The animation effect is created by moving the location of the vertical slice from the left of the original video frame to the right. In effect, swapping time and space. :)
The music is by a group called Rare Silk who created some amazing jazz-fusion vocals in the 80s.

Added on 09 Feb 2017