Oskar 2011-2012 Snowboarding Season Recap

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A recap of Oskar's season on the mountain and other environs at 8 years old.

Locations in film:
Stratton, VT
Smugglers Notch, VT
Jay Peak, VT
Okemo, VT
Magic Mountain, VT
Mount Snow, VT
Brattleboro Memorial Park T-Bar, VT
Craftsbury Outdoor Center, VT
Johnson Skate/Bike Park, VT
Morrisville Skate Park, VT
Bingham Falls, VT
Warren Falls, VT
Dorset Quarry, VT
Caspian Lake, VT
Emerald Lake, VT
Jamaica State Park, VT
Greensboro, VT
Stowe, VT
Putney, VT
Franconia Notch, NH
Chesterfield, NH
Mount Desert Island, ME
Fisher's Island, NY
Charottesville, VA
Stintson Beach, CA
San Francisco, CA

Added on 11 Feb 2017