Human validation
Information Communication Technology, as initiative of Mr. Roland Agambire, Chairman of Roland Group, in
collaboration with the Government of Ghana, as part of the national development policy framework, turning
Ghana into a knowledge-society and an active player in the global economy.
In HOPE city will work 50,000 people and will host 25,000 inhabitants. The cluster is articulated on a plot of
100,000 sqm, developing a total Gross Floor Area of approximately 1,200,000 sqm, for a total built area of
approximately 1,500,000 sqm.
HOPE city is designed by Architect OBR as a vertical city composed by towers linked together by a system of
bridges at different height, including common activities and amenities, creating an interconnection of different
functions from very public to very private.
In this way the towers are not a series of separated objects in the landscape, but define together a unique
compound as a new urban polarity in the widespread cityscape, creating a very effective urban life based on
easy and sustainable interconnectivity and visual-physical communication between people.
The cluster is composed by six towers of different dimensions: one tower of 270 m height (75 storeys, the
highest in Africa), two towers of 216 m height (60 storeys) and three towers of 152 m height (42 storeys). The
towers are designed to create a central space as a Piazza on three levels, which characterizes the podium as a
very a social place. An inner Garden becomes the connection between architecture and landscape,
representing the very common space where people can meet in interconnected way.
HOPE city is intended to promote - through Architecture – the sense of Community, sharing common values in
common space, such as the connecting Bridges, the central Piazza and the inner Garden.
Connecting social and environmental sustainability and thanks to the green design strategies of the project,
HOPE city is a great opportunity to create a “pilot project” for a sustainable real estate development in Ghana
and Africa, in accordance to LEED Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design.