This was in South Kingstown, RI, USA. Mostly in the SK Athletic Fields and nearby bike paths. Saw a Great Blue Heron, frogs, and dragonflies.
Papa took a lot of stills with his Panasonic GH1 and the kit 14-140 mm lens. That's what so nice about the micro four thirds format, the camera and lens weighs ~ 2 pounds so, it is easy to take along anywhere, anytime.
There are > 180 stills and a few video clips. The stills were shot in RAW2 format, but, not much effort or time was spent in processing the many images. Instead, we just ran them through a simple batch process in Photoshop made up of some simple actions:
Reduce Noise
Adjust Tonal Contrast
Very light Sharpening
Crop and re-size to 1920*1080
Save as JPGs
Then, the stills were brought into a Premiere Pro timeline with a duration of 1.5 seconds.
Audio was added, Vivaldi - The Four Seasons : Autumn 1 (Allegro))
This is not really a video, but, it lets us share with our family spread across the world.