Jupiter Ascending: jet thrusters HDA (VEX volume and surface shaders), "simic" effect setup, barycentric coordinates deformer (HDK), stringy blood shot setup, running all the shots using the above tools.
Dracula: Untold: development of bat flock particle setup, running the shots.
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows: development of a custom Houdini "pyro" "macro" solver using the standard and custom micro solvers (C++ / HDK), development of various helper tools for setting up the sources, force fields etc, conversion between the point arrays / particles and fields, making a setup for the steam effect and running all the steam simulations.
47 Ronin: setting up a soil deformation / destruction, debris, dust fluid and "sand" particle sims, making a setup for baking out auxiliary collision maps used later by lighters for the orientation of grass and other helper tools, running the shots.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time: development of Houdini connector plugins to proprietary particle cache format (C++ / Houdini Development Kit), development of the tools for generation / transformation of multiple SDFs / velocity fields, development of particle source / velocity fields generators, optimized particle to multiple SDFs collision solver, 3D SDF volume to 2D texture conversion tool (Python, VEX, HDAs), setting up the airborne sand splashes / sprays, R&D of 2.5D sliding sand sim.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: development of the fluid sourcing, velocity field, screen space displacement of water reflections tools, smoke eels fluid sims, rendering.
Clash of the Titans: fluid simulations for one of the Hades' cape elements, rendering.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: magic wand / shield, shockwave, debris (dirt, dust, twigs, pine needles), writing the shaders and rendering.
Australia: development of the particle sourcing, velocity fields, particle advection tools, tools for slicing of the particle sims, volumetric shader. Runnig the sims and rendering.
Wanted: development of particle to volume setup, volumetric shader, running the dust, sand effects, babysitting.