Superhero in Me!
Beach Ball - Animation
the Big Race
Alien Money Bag
A Robots Body Part Bin
Fruit Fight
Beware of the Shirt
Justin and Me
City Ninja
Mr Crab
The Demon
Love Story - Animation
Adventure of Red Alien
How Dinosaurs Became Exstinct
Don't Mess the Foot
Bully Boy
Robot - Short Animation
The Snail Trail
Red Robot
City Life - Short Animation
Destruction on Earth
Flying in the Day and then at Night
Fun Fair
Shopping Love
The Turtle
The Penguin Smash
Saviour Choose Your Side
Space Flight - Animation
Big Fish Little Fish
An Alien in Paris
Smarties Cookie vs Sausage
Crown Thief
The Useless Lifeguard
Robot Invasion
Alien vs Robot
Butterfly - Animation
Lost and Found Hound
The Hungry Vampires
A Pringles Romance
The Cat Sense
The Hungry Fox
The Microwave, The Snake and The Elephant
Footballer and Bull
After She Was Created
Whats in the Box?
One of Those Days
Match of the Day
The Dolphin Fashion
Chico Rei | Verão
The Tortoise Thief
Sam’s Sandwich Virtual Book Video
Burning Sun. Suddenly, My Shadow Comes Close.
Animation for Competition
Spytech Kid
The Bad, the Ugly and the Carrot
Skola Summer School 2011
The Summer Bears part 2
The Summer Bears
Code Name: MiniMoto Madness
Summer Stop Motion
I’m going on vacation with my family, so …
Tollbooth Stirling