Show Reel Andriu 2014
The Weather of Summer, New Prospect
Showreel 2013 - Florian Treber
M2M Technology
Grundig - Ioniser Technology
Revolutionary Cooling Technology
Comcast Innovation and Technology Center by Foster
Rhythmic gymnastics | DENSO VS-050S2
Zaher AlZahr Showreel 2013
AT&T Multibeam Technology
Jonathan Monaghan, “Escape Pod” Trailer, 2015
HUD Infographics Elements
Creative Technology Reel
Jonathan Monaghan, “Rainbow Narcosis,” 2012
hunting for the northern lights
Wooded Landscape with Water Mill - Art in Motion
SHOWREEL - Sand Animation by Kiwitone
Romantic Short Film - Hello
STRATA Premium Audio Technology
The Best Notebook Experience
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, “Level of Confidence,” 2015
Asphalt Reinforcement Services
SIRE Technology - explainer video
Technology in BC: Limitless Potential
Rivers State University of Science and Technology
U1 technology Unda Renewables
Digital Frontiers
AceboxAlonso, Muncyt by 24 studio
Lagoa – Launch Video
unbelievable bus shelter by pepsi max
ERT - Cardiac Safety
ATST, Advanced Technology Solar Telescope
IMAGO Launch video
Daniel Rozin, “Mirror No. 12,” 2013
Daniel Rozin, “Mirror No. 10,” 2009
The Warning
University of Dayton Interactive Wall, Case Study
Aurora Visions - Demo Reel
Daniel Rozin, “Origin of Species” 2015
ERT - Insights
ERT - Respiratory
Nature Abstraction - Fractals Excerpt
Aurora Visions - Post-production
50 Cent & Young Buck - This Is Murder Not Music
VW “Electrified” - The New Golf
My Stain
David Sia Demoreel
The Cord
Audi Performance at CES Las Vegas 2014
ubitricity Mobile Charging System (EN)
Shadow Self tech demo
Cafe Glass | SciFi Short Film
wynwood walls [ art basel ]
designboom visits the ferrari FF production line
Webster - Ateliers
Ross Lovegrove: Twin’z Concept Car for Renault
The Bing Platform: More Helpful, Personal
Morpho dynamic
MINE (2011) - action/scifi short
Tracking Your Eyes
Indoor Microbiome Animation